Thursday, April 02, 2020

Sunnymede Walking Trail

A photo on FlickrThis is a view of the tiny waterfall on the trail where I take my evening walks with the dog.

The trail is called Sunnymede Walking Trail, and it runs along the Arkansas River, about a mile and a half from my house.

When I first started walking there, no one was ever there but me. It was great, frankly. Canada geese hang out in the river and in a big concave depression in the center field, so it would be just me and the dog and about a hundred geese, all yelling at us in outrage.

Since the pandemic, though, more and more people are using the park -- desperate to get out of the house for even an hour, I suspect.

Here's another view:

Sunnymede Walking Trail In Arkansas Is Easy And Family-Friendly

That's from the top of a small slope overlooking the river.

And here's a better view of the waterfall:

Sunnymede Walking Trail In Arkansas Is Easy And Family-Friendly

The little dog loves the waterfall. He leaps right in and swims around.

If I couldn't go for a walk at this park every day, I would lose my rag a lot more than I already am.

Another view of the waterfall:

Sunnymede Walking Trail In Arkansas Is Easy And Family-Friendly


jo(e) said...

That's a lovely spot.

And yes, getting outside every day is the only thing that has kept me sane.

delagar said...

Right? I used to take a walk whenever I could fit it in. Now I NEEEED it.