Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Weather Report

We had rain for like three days in a row, and now forecast is for highs in the mid to high nineties, which is still hot, mind you, but so much better than highs of 109 and 110 that this feels like paradise.

Also my grass recovered from the drought in like one day. I have grass again! But the leaves are all still falling off the trees, so apparently trees handle drought worse than grass does. (Sample size: my yard.)

It was cool enough yesterday that I could leave the curtains open. The house is so much less depressing when it is full of sunlight.

Six more weeks of summer. 


nicoleandmaggie said...

Where's our rain? I want some rain! And to not be in the triple digits...

Bardiac said...

I live in an area with fairly plentiful water, and every summer around August, I give three of the trees in my yard an hour of hose drip. I'm at the point now where two of the three are probably fine without (they're natives to the area and have had time to establish deep roots). The other, a tamarack, really belongs in a wetter microclimate here (also native, but in lower, wetter areas).
To me, it's worth watering the trees because they take years to grow, and a good watering seems to reduce stress a lot (no early leaf dropping and such). Grass, I pretty much don't bother.

delagar said...

We usually get lots of rain -- or I should say we used to. I'll remember that for next year.