Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Bigots Telling Lies? What a Shock

Remember when that video was posted which supposedly showed that Planned Parenthood was harvesting fetal body parts and making huge profits and every right-wing bigot lost their damned minds?

And then it turned out to be lies and bullshit? And even so, the ignorant numpties on the Right continue to repeat this lie?

Yeah, the same thing recently happened with a clinic that (among other things) provides gender care for children. Some swindler conned someone into saying something that could be edited into looking like an atrocity story (castrating toddlers! Chopping the breasts off ten year olds!) and then released it through that notoriously reliable venue, TikTok.

And it turns out to be lies and bullshit, to the surprise of absolutely no one.

Will right-wing bigots keep repeating this lie for the next twenty years? Of course they will. Without lies and bullshit and hate, what else do they have to do with their lives? Bigotry isn't just a hobby for them. It's the core of their existence. If they can't hate someone -- used to be black people, then it was gay people, and now it's trans people -- they literally have no self. Bigotry is what they are.

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