Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Cold Snap!

It's eighty degrees here, and my house is too cold. I had to turn off the air conditioners! More of this, weather gods, please.

Other news: Note that I've added Pharyngula to the blog reading list, over there on the left. I forget why I stopped reading this blog -- I think his comment sections used to be a mess, and I couldn't take the drama -- but I've recently gone back to him. He's worth reading!

Also I am now writing reviews for Interzone, Strange Horizon, and Asimov's -- nearly all my free time is spent reading the books they send me and writing reviews of them. Free books! People paying me to read! It's my dream of paradise when I was twelve, now come true.


nicoleandmaggie said...

I vaguely recall some kind of drama as well, but I can't remember what it was.

Congrats on the reviews job!

delagar said...

Thank you!