Saturday, September 09, 2023


I'm nearly well, just still a bit weak. I may take a short walk tomorrow, up the street and back. I have stayed awake all day today, not even a short nap, and have done a load of laundry as well.

It helps that the weather is changing. Highs in the low 90s today and tomorrow, and then after that, fall arrives. We outlived summer once again.

I'm also out of books to read. Can I go to the library yet? Some places say you should quarantine five days after testing negative, and some say ten. I suppose there must be something in this house I haven't yet read. 

I spent the days I was sickest re-reading Connie Willis's Passage, a book about death, which probably isn't the best choice for when you feel like you're dying. It's such a good book, though.


Jenny F Scientist said...

Rapid tests are an excellent indicator of being contagious! If you've tested negative and it's been at least one day I would say it's fine. The CDCs recs are in no way based in science, sadly.

delagar said...

CDC was the one that said five days, which didn't seem right to me either.
