Monday, July 18, 2022

More Weather Complaints

We're having a high of 109 here tomorrow (that's 43 degrees to anyone living in a sane country), and highs of 100+ through the end of the month. Plus it hasn't rained for nearly 30 days. The grass in my yard crunches under my feet like toast. Smells like toast, too.


nicoleandmaggie said...

Same, except our HOA says we have to water our lawn.

delagar said...

IDK if we even have HOAs in this town. I'm glad I don't have to pay to water this lawn, though, not with how much water costs here (I usually pay $100 - $140/month.)

delagar said...

And that's just the regular water bill -- I don't water the lawn or fill up a swimming pool, I mean. I do have a washing machine, but there's only two of us, so how much water could that take?