Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Rising Expenses

Gasoline at our "cheap" gas station (the cheapest one in town) is now $4.37/gallon. It's true the price of oil has risen, but it's not by any means at an historical high. (That was in June 2008.) I've heard that the current appalling price is gouging by the oil companies, and I am inclined to believe it. It's not like we can not buy gasoline, right? 

Same for the price of groceries. My local Wal-Mart has been raising prices steadily -- things that I bought three days ago for two dollars are now priced at $3.50. What are we going to do, not eat?

What are you doing to deal with this fucked up situation?

I'm driving slower and driving less, and I've quit buying "luxury" food, like carbonated water and fresh fish. We buy a whole chicken once in awhile, and use it in several meals. I'm eating more rice and legumes, and a lot less butter. We hardly ever eat out, but then we never have done that. But honestly, there's a limit to how much I can cut from my budget, which was already pretty frugal.  

I'm trying to remember what happened back in the 1970s, the other time prices shot up like this. I know my mother stopped buying sugar and coffee. I remember her switching to powdered milk as well. That shit was nasty. I don't eat much sugar or milk, but I'm not sure I can give up coffee.



nicoleandmaggie said...

We're in a different situation-- rising prices on our regular purchases mean that imported versions seem a lot more affordable now. Like, why get normal butter when cultured butter costs the same ($4.51/lb)? The increasing prices don't seem to be hitting luxury substitutes the same as necessities. That said, the price of our groceries has gone up about 1.5x.

I am very glad that last time we got cars we went hybrid and that we don't have to drive very much even so. I fill up my car about once a month. I don't know what I would do if we couldn't afford gas-- it's triple digit temperatures outside, I can't even walk!

Agree on powdered milk.

delagar said...

I wish we had a hybrid! Luckily we don't have to drive much right now, since I'm teaching online and Dr. Skull doesn't sub in the summer.

I'm curious to look at imported foods now!

Anonymous said...

We haven't changed much yet, other than line drying clothes instead of using the dryer and also ticking the AC base temp up.

Some of the pandemic food supply chain things I was already doing are coming in handy, but I don't know how much of a savings they really are.

There are things I could cut or ask my husband if he would be okay with cutting (he has a serious Diet Coke habit)... but I'm not quite to that place yet.

delagar said...

We went from diet Coke to seltzer for the sake of our kidneys, but now we're switching to just plain water. LIKE STONE AGE SAVAGES.

I miss my fizzy water, I admit.