Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Weather Report

Every school in NW Arkansas, including mine, has shut down due to this massive sleet-and-ice storm. All the roads in the Fort are icy and undrivable. I need more coffee, but the cats are sleeping on my feet.

How's the weather there?


Bev said...

Cold sleet and rain this morning, yuck. We've reached that volatile point when I need different outerwear for different times of day: it's freezing cold in the morning so I wear a winter coat, but then it's 60 in the afternoon so I forget to take my coat home, or else it's balmy in the morning so I wear a sweater, only to find the afternoon temp dropping into the 30s. The HVAC system in the building can't keep up with the frequent changes so it's always uncomfortable somewhere. Not my favorite time of year.

delagar said...

It's 72 in our building at school so when I come to school dressed for the weather outside I either have to take my sweaters off (and forget them at school) or open the window in my office, which works at 40 degrees outside but not at 20.

Not a problem today when school is still cancelled and there's two inches of ice on the roads, though!

nicoleandmaggie said...

I'm wearing my coat in the office, which is definitely not set to 72 degrees.

Just umplugged the faculty lounge tv which was set to Fox News with no way to turn it off or change the channel. FML.

delagar said...

A faculty lounge with a TV is bad enough, but one that's auto-set to Fox News? Holy hell.

nicoleandmaggie said...

I complained to the chair of another department in our building (since my chair watches fox news on purpose unironically) and he said it's also on in student services in our building all the time, so I mentioned that to one of my senior faculty, and now he's bringing up the subject of exactly what we should be showing on our TVs in this building. Student services got super pissy about the senior faculty member going over his head and not just talking to him, but it's in the faculty lounge and also the cafeteria(!) so, obviously a widespread problem in the building. Apparently you need a special remote to change the channel.

Also the student services guy made the false equivalence that the opposite of Fox is CNN, and he said they had both on so it should be ok. ARGH. (I'm like, if we have to show anything, show CSPAN because there's no commentary. My senior faculty argued ESPN or HGN, which I think is also valid and would probably be more appreciated by our students.)

So that's been some fun drama. On top of me having to watch Fox commentate on the Ukraine this morning when I just wanted to refill my water bottle.

delagar said...

Put it on the weather channel. I mean, if it has to be on AT ALL. (Shouldn't students be reading books?)

I've been avoiding clips from Fox on Ukraine because my bp can't take it.

delagar said...

Also I'm sorry about your chair. Ugh!

nicoleandmaggie said...

It was back on today. :(

I unplugged it again.

delagar said...

Two words: Tin snips.