Thursday, March 02, 2023

Side Effect: Exercise

 I can't drive the rental car to work -- or rather, I could, but I can't park it on campus. 

Well, I suppose I could park it on campus, but I would have to go over to Campus Security and negotiate with them, and who has the energy, frankly.

So I'm walking to work and walking home every day. Before Dr. Skull retired, this was what I did anyway, since he drove the car to whatever school he was working at that day; but I had quit doing it since his retirement, even though the campus is literally just a half mile away. Driving seemed so much easier, especially at six a.m., which is when I come to work.

However, being compelled to walk is doing wonders for my mood. It's a short, very nearly pleasant walk (there's an appalling hill halfway there), and by the time I reach school I am thoroughly awake and ready for coffee. Walking home is even more pleasant, because the hill is less appalling going home (most of it downhill instead of most of it uphill).

Maybe I will continue to walk to work once we have our own car back.

Hey, it could happen.

The Road Home (before the hill)


nicoleandmaggie said...

At least while the weather is good!

delagar said...

Yes, true! A big storm coming today, but luckily it's supposed to hit in late afternoon, so I'll already be home.