Thursday, March 30, 2023

My University Buys Me an iPad

I mean, it's not MINE, but I do get to use it. 

I'm also not sure why we're all getting iPads. I suppose it's for people who don't have laptops? They gave me a laptop, though, and I got one anyway.

Anyway, I'm definitely taking it.

It takes thermal photos


nicoleandmaggie said...

Your books are hawt.

delagar said...

They are!

Anonymous said...


I find mine mostly good for Youtube, news websites, and ebooks. But I wouldn't ever rely on it for something that matters. It's personal use 98% of the time, with the remaining 2% being work emails during the times that I'm not in my office. But hey, they're giving it to you: more power to them. Definitely get a good case--I cracked the screen on one by dropping it on tile!

delagar said...

Yes, I can't imagine what I'm going to use it for, aside from reading Kindle.

The U is supposed to also buy me a case. Meanwhile I'm keeping it in the cardboard box it came in.