Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Your Delivery is Delayed

I went to the other grocery, to find that cream is still not available. Neither is bread flour, and neither is any of the eatable sorts of bread -- Wonderbread is in fine supply. 

You can still get eggs, but not butter. Lots of margarine.

Meat and bacon are holding out, but no lox, oddly enough. Who is eating lox in Pork Smith?

I assume this is all because of the big storm, but it is creating a problem with making meals. I made some bagels with the last of our bread flour and we are having them with cream cheese, and I made bacon, which gave me some bacon fat, so I could make some black beans. (I have beans already.)

I also made gingersnaps, since we have plenty of all-purpose flour and spices. And there's some frozen sausage and fish sticks. We won't starve, at least not for a few days, and I can drink black coffee if I have too, but Dr. Skull insists on cream.

We might try Dollar General tomorrow, or the Walmart I Hate More Than Hell Itself.

Meanwhile I am reading a very interesting book by Redfern jon Barrett, an AU in which trans people rose up and defeated the Nazis (as they rose up in New York and defeated the police at Stonewall) with the result that Berlin has become a have for LGBTQ people, except conservativism arises in the 1980s (yes, conservative gays and lesbians) and -- as it did in the sixties in America -- a push to be the Respectable sort of LG (no BT or Q allowed) begins to dominate the city.

So far it's thoughtful and extremely well done. An author to watch.

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