Monday, September 19, 2022


So last night I had my usual insomnia, finally falling asleep around one o'clock, and then at around four a.m. had a terrible nightmare in which the town started flooding, and the floodwaters kept rising, and everyone pretended it wasn't happening and then suddenly water was pouring into my house, rising terrifyingly fast, and I couldn't find the dog to get out and the kid wouldn't leave (he was about ten in this dream) because he said people would start saying we were at war if we left (what?) and just as we were all about to drown I woke up. It was one of those dreams where you're pretty sure it's really happening for a little while.

Then I had insomnia for the rest of the night. I lay in bed trying to fall asleep and unable to. Got up once to take the dog out and make sure no flash flood was happening. It was a lovely clear night, with a waxing moon and brilliant stars, but even when I was sure the dream was just a dream and went back to bed, I still couldn't get back to sleep.

So I got up and Dr. Skull and I took the car to get its tires aligned except the place where we take it doesn't do that anymore so we went to another place and they still do alignments but they're booked up for a week, so we made an appointment. In the tire shop was an old guy wearing a LETS GO BRANDON hat and smoking a cigarette. When we left to come home, we smelled of cigarettes. (He was waiting for his car; he wasn't working there. The people working there were very nice and wore hats with the place's logo on them.) 

Now I'm drinking coffee and trying to stay awake. Sleeping all day would not be a good idea.


nicoleandmaggie said...

I just had one of those, "guess what you didn't actually finish high school so you have to go back" dreams last night. Yours sounds worse!

delagar said...

My version of that is "I was assigned a class to teach but I forgot to teach it all semester and now it's time for the final and I can't find the classroom." Equally unpleasant!

nicoleandmaggie said...

I get those too! Just not last night.