Sunday, March 13, 2022

Home Again

 We made it home -- the roads were excellent. The kid is snoozing away -- he's still on pain meds and muscle relaxants. But he's doing fine.

Meanwhile, because fate hates me, my little dog Heywood has wandered away. (I won't say run away, because he's too old to run.) I've looked all over the neighborhood, and no sign of him. I also left messages with animal control and our local animal shelter -- they open tomorrow at nine, so I can call them then. 

Update: Heywood is home! Warden Daniel Miller of Animal Control drove around on a Sunday (after being alerted by my many, many FB friends) until he found him.


Bardiac said...

That's good news all around!

And good for the warden!!

Releeh said...

Oh SO glad Heywood was found! And that home has been achieved.

heebie-geebie said...

Oh man, I missed that this was coming up! I wish I had any good advice, but I think top is a little different than a mastectomy, and hopefully in ways that are less brutal. Glad he's feeling good.

nicoleandmaggie said...

Glad you're back and your doggie was found!

delagar said...

Heebie: I used what I remembered of your experience as an example, sort of! Kind of walking him through what it would be like.

Bardiac: The warden was amazing! Also, this is an example of the power of social media. The warden is friends with a couple of my FB friends, and they tagged him into my post on missing Heywood, and he went out on a Sunday and found my little dog. Amazing!

Jenny F. Scientist said...

Hope he recovers smoothly!

delagar said...

He's doing very well! Totally off the Oxy as of today, and not in much pain.