Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Things the Kid Said While Coming out of Anesthesia

Kid: Mom! I'm so happy!

Kid: This is the second best thing that has ever happened to me. (Pause) [Boyfriend] is the first.

Kid: The curtains. (Giggles wildly.) 

Kid: Everyone here is so nice.

Kid: This is the best day ever.

Kid: (To me, wistfully): Can I have the special juice?*

Kid: (very softly, after the nurse helped him into the wheelchair, which was indeed vaguely shaped like a throne): I'm a king.

*This is because when he was little, I would never buy him juice, since it's essentially sugar in a liquid form. I would also never buy him those terrible white doughy cookies with an inch of brightly colored icing on top. Because UGH.


Unknown said...

Delurking to say that I am so happy for your kid!

delagar said...

Thank you! Me, too. I've been worried for SO LONG about this.

Foscavista said...

Let's rejoice! Special juice for everyone!

delagar said...

I bought him apple juice. But this is THE LAST TIME.

Jenny F. Scientist said...

I too never buy juice unless they're sick! But special juice for a special occasion.

Foscavista said...

That could have been your Oprah moment: "You get special juice! And, you get special juice!"

delagar said...

Ha, yes!