Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Aw Geez

 It's going to be 103 here today, and 102 tomorrow. 

I suppose I shouldn't complain, since in AZ it's been over 110 for like 20 days, but I am complaining. God, I hate summer.

This was supposed to be a capture of today's weather at the weather channel but I am having no luck so have a cat instead

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Meanwhile: eight and a half more weeks of summer


nicoleandmaggie said...

I smell bad. Just from the small amount of time I'm not in a/c.

delagar said...

I'm only not in AC for the amount of time it takes to walk to and from the car, and even so I hate it.

nicoleandmaggie said...

There's also the time it takes to walk to the mailbox and back for me.

delagar said...

That too, for me! And our mailbox is like 150 feet from the door, so it's a true hike!