Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Anxiety and Depression

I'm having a lot of anxiety and depression lately, which is leading to some stellar insomnia. I'm not sure what's going on, but honestly, it could stop any time now, please.

It might be the heat. It's been really hot here, and nothing but more high temps and high humidity in the future. I did manage to cut my power bill by over $100 though, by signing up for Smart Hours and not using electricity as much between 2:00 and 7:00. 

Exercise helps a little. We've been going to gym at 2:00 pm every day, and exercising for an hour (okay, 50 minutes, usually). I feel better afterwards, but am still having insomnia. Whyyyyy.

Also the library isn't buying enough new books, or rather enough new books that I want to read. I've been rereading a lot, but I can't hold out forever. And I've also discovered that my library doesn't keep old books -- like books I know they had ten years ago aren't on the shelf anymore. Which is depressing. Maybe scarcity of future reading material is making me depressed and anxious.

It could be because I'm going in for a colonoscopy tomorrow. Medical stuff always makes me anxious, every since the weird thing in my throat when I was 29 turned out to be cancer.

I think it's just how much I hate the hot weather. Every year I hate summer more. Maybe we should have stayed in Idaho.

Ten more weeks until fall.


nicoleandmaggie said...

*long distance air hugs*

I don't have recommendations for anything except the books. You have a tablet now so you can explore Project Gutenberg! There's a lot of good stuff out of copyright. (Even more terrible stuff, but definitely some gems.)

Actually I lied-- if you're like me and constantly inside because of the heat, you could be like me and need Vit D. It's like magic. That may not be the problem, but if it is, it is an easy solution and if you're like me, it will be obvious like 30 min after you take a pill that that was the problem.

delagar said...

Huh, it could be Vitamin D -- I never go outside!

I'll give it a shot.

Bardiac said...

I hope the vitamin D helps!
I also like the Project Gutenberg idea!
Hope things get better!

delagar said...

Thank you! Me too. :(

Anonymous said...

If the vitamin D doesn't do it-- it may be worth to look at nutrition and hydration in general. I amped up my cardio from "what cardio" to 30-45 minutes/day about a month ago. I've needed to start being more deliberate about protein timing and drinking water. I still haven't figured it all the way out, but before I started working on it, my energy was tanking later in the day. I know from other times in my life that if I let that go on for too long, my brain matches low physical energy with feelings-- either everything seems emotionally too much to have to deal with or I start feeling grim and like a general failure. Or both.

delagar said...

We've been exercising four days a week for about an hour each day for over a year now -- I do feel better after I exercise. Lack of protein might be a problem -- I'll look at that.