Saturday, April 01, 2023

It's On Its WAY!

 You know how we've been saving up for a new car? Well, today I bought it!

It's a Hummer Convertible, and I got a real deal, 10% off and the dealer is paying to have it shipped here. Only $110,000! They're letting me pay it off over three years at five percent interest!

Mine isn't green, though, it's bright pink. I want it to really stand out on the highway.

Should be here by midnight, the guy in Canada says.


delagar said...

April Fool, though I doubt any of you were actually fooled.

nicoleandmaggie said... got me this morning with its advertisement for Walmonds (hybrid walnut/almonds). I didn't click, but I did google walmond to see if it's a real thing.

delagar said...

I'd definitely eat a walmond!