Thursday, April 27, 2023


Before I noticed that one of my posts (blogger does not say which one) is too shocking for normal people, I was going to do a post called something like "Checking on the Right," but honestly, it's just too sad what's happening to that fragment of America which used to be called conservative.

They aren't conservative anymore. Now they're reactionary bigots, heading full steam ahead for fascism. The entire purpose of the party, at present, seems to be stifling -- and by stifling I mean attempting to make illegal -- any sort of behavior that doesn't fit into their rigidly narrow worldview.

So: the COVID-19 pandemic never happened, and vaccines are not necessary. In fact, COVID-19 vaccines probably caused all those millions of deaths.

So: parents of trans kids should have those kids taken from them, to be raised in good Christian foster homes.

So: trans kids AND trans adults should be banned from access transition-related medical care. And bathrooms.

So: all children should be kept from reading books about anything but white straight conservative Americans, and if libraries persist in having any other sort of books on their shelves, those libraries should be closed.

So: dolls, Santa, television shows, any sort of culture should only feature straight white "normal" people (Steve Crowder, that famed pro-lifer, mocks the release of a Down Syndrome Barbie doll, using the R-slur as he does so; and also mocks the release of a Black Barbie.)

So: trans people and black people who get elected to office should be banned from speaking in legislatures.

So: the state has a right to force people to continue pregnancies, no matter the circumstances.

So: we should ignore the fact that more "grooming" happens in good Christian churches and in Evangelical Christian homes than in any public school.

So: Public schools should be shut down, because teachers hate America and love LGBTQ people and teaching nothing but Marxism and how white people are evil.

So: Teachers in public school should all be armed




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