Monday, February 20, 2023


The GOP is fine with the actual government actually banning books in classrooms and libraries, but let the publisher decide to update kid's books* and they begin throwing very showy tantrums. How dare you take that word out of that book? Do you think this is 1984?

Or, I know, tell them Dahl's books have LGBTQ kids in them. That'll do the trick.

*something that has been a common practice since kid's books were invented, by the way. I remember when I found an old copy of, I think it was, the Railway Children, which still used the adjective n***r-brown. Should the publisher be forced to continuing issuing books to kids with that language in it? Or should they have to choose -- as, I recall, the publishers of Dr. Seuss did -- not to republish the books at all? Conservatives didn't like that, either. It's almost as though they want to keep using certain words, ones associated specifically with bigotry.

That said, if it is true that the only change is that August Goop is no longer called fat, I think the publishers are getting a little too prissy. But I don't know what the facts are, and neither do most conservatives, I believe. That doesn't stop them from filling Twitter with their wails.



nicoleandmaggie said...

This 1984 style doublespeak cognitive dissonance thing really is a heavy tool that they use.

delagar said...

I saw a comment somewhere that the three works most heavily referred to by conservatives are also three works they haven't read: 1984, the Bible, and the Constitution.

nicoleandmaggie said...

Someone has to have read 1984 because they're using it like a playbook!