Friday, May 06, 2022

Happy Birthday to the Kid

 My kid turns 24 today. Everyone always tells you, when your kids are born, that the years are going to fly past. You don't believe this when the kid is little, since the days and months seem endless then. But looking back now that the kid has a job and his own place and a boyfriend, wow, yeah. Time just gets away from you, as Charles Portis noted.

It's his comic's birthday as well, so he drew a comic charting his transformation and the comic's transformation from age 13 to now:

I remember that 13 year old! 

He loved his new job, by the way, and is thinking of going into IT as a career.


Jenny F. Scientist said...

Tell him from a scientist, DO IT, GO FOR THE MONEY, you'll always have a good job! Run from the science!!! RUN!!!

delagar said...


He says that all his friends who work in IT have plenty of time to do art, and plus they don't have to go out on digs. Plus, his uncle works in IT and he does, in fact, make beaucoup $$$.

nicoleandmaggie said...

Big fan of having money!

I am glad things are going well for him!!