Tuesday, May 24, 2022

"Given with Love"

"Given with love" is an odd way to spell "how I keep you locked in the box I built for you."

This reminds me of the woman who lost her rag because her son got a tattoo. Imagine believing your child is your property to such an extent that you can't handle it when they change. 

My kid changed his name. Not only am I fine with it, I think it suits him better than the name we gave him at birth. 

Your kids don't belong to you. They belong to themselves. When you put strictures on your love like this you're revealing far more about yourself than about them.


Nanani said...

Wanna bet these same people would cry foul at a woman who DIDN'T change her name despite getting married?
It's almost like this supposed deep bond is not an actual thing anyone believes.

nicoleandmaggie said...

I mean, is sounds like that parental connection is no great loss.

I hope that all kids with horrible parents are able to find any love they need from found families.

delagar said...

Nanani: Well, sure, but women are possessions, so when you sell one to another person, obviously he gets to put his name on her. That only makes SENSE.

N&M: Same.