Monday, November 22, 2021

Movies in the Movie Theater

I haven't been to the movies since the early days of the pandemic -- the last movie we saw in the theater was Little Women.

Now the theaters are open again, but all the local theaters are showing are (1) superhero movies (2) horror movies or (3) Christian movies. 

Also kid movies. I could go see Clifford the Big Red Dog in three different theaters.

I guess I'll keep watching Netflix for a while. 


Jenny F. Scientist said...

I find theaters regrettably loud for my tastes, personally! I, for one, welcome our robot (Netflix) overlords.

delagar said...

I do like theaters, just for the experience of watching a movie with a bunch of other people. But Netflix has *so* many advantages, including the ability to watch half a movie today and half tomorrow, when I'm not up to two plus hours of watching; and subtitles; and yes, the ability to set the sound at the level that works for me.

Anonymous said...

The last movie I saw in a theater was Aelita, Queen of Mars.

I don't get out very much.

delagar said...

Yikes! That *was* some time ago!