Friday, March 13, 2020

Closing for Covid-19

My kid's university has cancelled on-campus classes for the rest of the semester. Classes up there will be taught online only.

My university kicked this decision down the road -- they've extended Spring Break for a second week, and say they'll make the decision about the rest of the semester at the end of that time.

Other universities are going all on-line. The local public schools are still open.

What's happening where you are?


Foscavista said...

It's not official yet, but all signs point to online courses. I hope that, after the pandemic's effects lessen, administration won't come back and say, "See? Everyone can teach online!"

Nanani said...

I've been effectively self-quarantined for a month now, between breaking my foot (do not recommend) and already working from home.
However, my province just announced that public schools will be closed for two weeks after march break next week, and much of my family are teachers. They had already been on strike for ages before this.

Plus, the PM is self-isolating, hockey is cancelled, and Tim Hortons switched their annual roll up the rim to digital only. Is this even still Canada?

Carol said...

My university is currently on Spring Break. They’re cancelling classes for the following week to give faculty time to get things online, and then we’ll be moving all classes 100% online until further notice. Faculty and staff are still expected to have regular face-to-face meetings and all other normal work during the week off. It’s a real convenient assumption (by our administration) that all faculty will have the time to put all their course material online during this next week while still maintaining their regular duties.

Our local school districts were all on Spring Break this week as well, and most have announced they’ll be closed for one week following the break, with more closure possible after than, stay tuned etc.

A said...

My university has extended spring break a week; then we go online for two week, while they decide about the rest. As far as I can tell, absolutely no one expects to resume in-person classes this semester. I'm planning to assure my students that they can finish the semester online if they want even if we do resume in-person classes, but I'm waiting a day or two (we're still officially in spring break) for official guidance. Our local schools are closed for a teacher work day while they figure it out--- we just had our first local confirmed case yesterday. Local betting seems to be that they'll reopen for a few days to send stuff home and arrange for meal distribution, then close; but they clearly haven't actually decided yet.

delagar said...

A: I'm trying to decide what to tell my students. The email from the chancellor could have been clearer. And our public schools don't even seem to be thinking about closing.

Foscavista: That's what I'm worried about -- our u. was ALREADY trying to make everything online. >:(