Saturday, January 18, 2020

Someone at Amazon is High

Y'all remember when Amazon recommended this $1400 dollar wine cooler to me (get one for home AND the lake house!).

Today it recommended this to me.

Seriously, I don't care how rich I ever become (fat chance); I won't be spending nearly $150 on a butter dish.


Some of the reviews are kind of funny, though.


Bardiac said...

I loved this one:

Will it make a good luxary condo for a hamster?
No it is too small and there are no holes to let air in.

nicoleandmaggie said...

They keep recommending Trump 2020 stickers to me. I want to block and report!

Jeff Bezos must really not want a wealth tax.

nicoleandmaggie said...

I kept thinking about this and wonder if they have expensive bondage outfits for other kitchen stuff. Like, do they also have a tea set wearing studded leather tea cozies?

delagar said...

How about a faux-leather spiked water bottle?

nicoleandmaggie said...

Maybe if that was $129 instead of 12.99...