Thing Explainer (this is a link to Randall Monroe's site, challenging you to explain something complicated using only the most common 1000 words in the English language. It's an interesting challenge!)
ETA: The Kid uses the Thing Explainer:
Valgus Knees
Most animals can't walk on two legs. But humans can. This is because we have cool parts in our legs. The parts make our legs go straight down from our bodies. Some animals have two legs, but they don't have the right parts in their legs, so they don't go straight down. These animals can't stand up without leaning over, even though they can stand up. Because we have the cool leg parts, we can walk really far without getting as tired as other animals.
Most animals eat things that grow. Some animals eat dead things. When bad stuff happens, the second kind of animal has a better time than the first, because things that grow are less strong. Animals that eat dead things are stronger and are happier when bad things happen to animals or leaves. If something really bad happens to the world, animals that eat dead things will live longer than animals that eat things that grow.
Why to avoid almond milk (Chidi on The Good Place kept SAYING almond milk was problematic)
I remember this change
You shall have my axe
![Emergency Responder: "Philosophy Emergency Hotline, what is your emergency?"
Caller: "I'm at a dinner party and my friend is carrying on about how postmodern neo-marxists are corrupting our youth by teaching them that everything is as true as everything else."
Emergency Responder: "Okay, i need you to stay calm. Did you try explaining to him that Marxism is a modernist philosophy and is fundamentally at odds with postmodernism?"
Caller: "Yes, but he just said that both philosophies were against “Enlightenment Values”, so they are basically the same."
Emergency Responder: "Good god, we'll send a squadron right away."
[description]: Aristotle bursts down the door.
Aristotle: "We don't debate with people who haven't read a single book on the topic they want to debate!"
Aristotle, through the door: "Philosophy Swat Team, open up!"
PERSON: "Never! I just want a rational debate."
Aristotle: "You are under arrest for philosophical slander, strawmanning, bad faith arguments, and just generally being a dumbass."
PERSON: "Help! Censorship! I'm being censored because they are afraid of the truth."
Aristotle: "That's enough out of you, we are taking you downtown."
PERSON: "Wait, this isn't jail... it is just the library."
Aristotle: "Exactly. Now read a god damn book."](
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