Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Maybe my favorite moment from the debate last night:

Don't get me wrong, assault weapons should definitely be banned; but I've listened for years now to MAGAts squeal about how they're going to win the civil war that they are convinced is coming because they "have all the guns," and I just shake my head. 

There may be a couple of Far-Right white nationalists with a ton of weapons, for whatever bizarre reason; but I know a lot of leftists who have weapons. 

I mean, granted, it's Arkansas, but still.

This was also a stellar moment. It came right after Harris noted that people were leaving Trump's rallies because they were so bored by his lies. He lost it right then and started shouting this kind of thing, and he never got it back:

Reminded me of this moment, which is probably why Harris's team had her do it: 

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