Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Whatcha Eating?

This post inspired by one over at Nicole & Maggie's -- I *had* been eating pretty well, until the triple digit heat struck. Then I took refugee in popsicles and Licorice All-Sorts. To be fair, I also ate watermelon. And ice cream. And cheese and crackers.

Anyway, Monday I scored some fresh figs, so those have been added to the diet:

I love fresh figs, but I can only find them for sale about twice a year -- once, this year -- and all my attempts to grow my own have failed miserably.

Now that the heat dome has passed, maybe I will return to a more sane eating experience. Although I did just buy some jelly beans, so maybe not.

Only five more weeks of summer, and then I can start eating curries again.


Anonymous said...

This is perhaps a commentary on the gender role split in my house...

I am back to carving out time to plan meals, create a grocery list, get groceries, and make recipes for dinner. I'd dropped the habit due to an overload at work and had been making things randomly at the end of the day.

One night about two weeks ago, my husband asked me what I had planned for dinner right before I went to get our child from daycare. I told him that I didn't have a plan, but would make something when we got back.

When I came home from getting said child, my husband had started cooking a bag of frozen french fries that he found in the freezer. He announced that it was going to be dinner, much to the rejoicing of the child. And we were fed and it was not the end of the world. It just felt like a failure on the mom front.

(To be completely fair to my husband, I absolutely would have occasionally just had french fries or just popcorn or some other random thing as dinner when I wasn't a parent. Apparently being "the mom" changes how I feel about it. So: back to planning and recipes.)

delagar said...

Dr Skull does most of the cooking in our house, but he is in a food cult, and eats nothing but meat, blueberries, and strawberries, so we mostly fix our own meals. I've had French fries for dinner more than once!

My kid, on the other hand, has his own cooking tumblr. You can find it here: