Friday, August 25, 2023

Trump Surrenders to Authorities

I mean, I too am pleased (if surprised) that Trump was formally arrested. And his mug shot is hilarious, as is his bizarre and transparent lies about how much he weighs and how tall he is.

But he's not going to jail. I doubt he'll even pay a fine. And the support of the MAGAist is only increasing as he flaunts his criminal activities. They like that he tried to overthrow a lawful election. That shit is like heroin to them. So, you know, funny as this is, it's not a game-changer.

I'll also remind you that even if he went to prison, which he won't, he could still run for president. Eugene Debs ran for president from the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary in 1920, and received a little over three percent of the vote. And he was an evil socialist!

The best outcome of this, I guess, would be if the GOP refused to run Trump on their ticket, and he ran as an independent, and split the vote. But if you think the GOP won't come around to backing Trump, I'll just point you at 2016, when they were all Never-Trumpers until election day, when they all started licking his boots with amazing fervor.


D Shannon said...

That weight might just be accurate.

Air does not weigh very much, and we all know Trump's full of hot air.

delagar said...