It's barely September here and I'm already worn out.
Too much to do, as usual. (Sad me!) I've missed Aikido twice this week due to too much prep work. I'm teaching four different preps this semester -- WLIT I, English Grammar, Fiction Workshop, and Comp I -- as well as homeschooling the kid and trying to hammer together this novel, edit the magazine, and apply for jobs.
Oh, have I mentioned that? I'm applying for jobs in the slim hope that maybe we can move out of Arkansas. Not that I don't love my work and my students here -- because I do -- but because I have had my bait of Fort Smith, Arkansas, with its two bookstore (well, wait -- one bookstore, and one Bibles-a-Million) and its two decent restaurants and its two movie theaters that show exactly the same six movies on fifteen different screens and they are never the movies I want to see and its tiny little art museum, which I know is doing the best it can with the tiny little funding it gets, but still, and the strictures that are always on me and worse on my kid -- why should she have to grow up somewhere where she is afraid to speak what she feels aloud on the street? Where she is afraid to use a public restroom, because of how she looks and dresses? Where she is afraid to admit her religion to her best friend in case that friend stops liking her? (And no, I am not making any of this up.)
Anyway! I did make it to Aikido tonight -- where I got banged around merrily on the mat. It is strange that this experience should cheer me up, but it did.
Also, I have joined the AWP, so now I can begin assembling a packet and applying to even more jobs.
Meanwhile! All four of my classes this semester are brilliant classes, even if they do take enormous prep work; and my novel is going very well; and don't I love Aikido!
Once more into the breach, dear friends!
46 minutes ago
What is AWP? I hope you find something. I know there are a lot of people at the school that'd miss you, but the reasons you've mentioned for wanting to move (especially anything involving the happiness of your kiddo) are all understandable. I didn't plan to wind up in Arizona raising my kids alone all of a sudden, but I'm finding reasons to be happy I'm not in arKansas anymore...
Associated Writing Programs. They have a job search program, and some other job service programs.
Wow. That's a busy schedule.
I remember hearing once that it was a shame all the intelligent had to leave Arkansas for other states that offered so much more... but then I realized... I don't care too much how this 'great' state we are stuck in fares anymore.
We're looking at getting out as well. Seattle, actually. Good luck on finding something!
Good luck! With all of it. -L
Seattle is great, Whitney! You'll love it.
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