Sunday, November 10, 2024

Truth, Though, Honestly

I know we're not supposed to assume that people who disagree with us are dupes and fools, but honestly, anyone who voted for Trump at this point is a dupe or a fool or a bigot or all three. (Though really I'm leaning hard on bigot and dupe at this point.) 


Anonymous said...

Future student here... how about: Trump is the Monster we KNEW... Kamala was proven to have known Biden was incompetent and failed to assume her position. What MONSTER lets America sink while the President NEEDS help? I dislike them all to be clear. All politicians are political for power or money - never the people...that's the job of the Patriot.

delagar said...

Socrates says we should not chose an evil we know is evil rather than something that is unknown. As you point out, we know Trump is a monster.