Saturday, December 09, 2023

Winter Break is Almost Here

The last day of classes was this past Thursday, and my last papers will come in on December 14. This means that winter break is in sight. Thank God.

The best part of being an academic, in my opinion, is winter break. Nearly a month of leisure right in the darkest part of the year. It is bliss. I plan to spend the time writing book reviews, the short story/novella I am currently at work on, and my next Velocity novel. The kid and his sweetie are coming down for a few days, and the kid will stay with us while his fiancé flies home for a visit with his family. I might also sort through our books and clothing and take a couple boxes to the local Savers. Maybe we will even drive up to Crystal Bridges to the museum. It could happen!

1 comment:

delagar said...

I have no idea why part of this post has highlights. WTF.