Monday, August 12, 2024

My Kid Starts Graduate School

My kid had his first day of orientation for graduate school today. He's going for his Masters in Biological Anthropology, focusing on paleoecology. No cultural anthropology for him, he says. Bones and worms and extinction events are what he likes.

He's got a TA, which will pay a stipend and his tuition. He'll be making slightly more than he made working the help desk, so that's nice. He's teaching two labs and taking I forget what classes.

He says he's already met some cool people. 


Foscavista said...

I am ignorant of anthropology in general (I never took a course.), so what time of jobs in biological anthropology would he expect after graduating?

delagar said...

He's hoping to work as a science librarian, ideally. He could also work at a museum, or as a science writer. I'm trying to convince him to continue on to get his PhD, but then he would have to do field work, probably, and he doesn't want to do that.

Kendra Leonard said...

Super cool! I hope he loves every minute of it.