Friday, October 04, 2024

More Conservatives Lies

The new lies I've seen coming from the Right have to do with the destruction in North Carolina, and the response to it.

From the left, I am hearing about the help flooding into the region from ordinary citizens as well as the National Guard and FEMA. Some of the stories literally bring tears to my eyes.

Go here for more on this:

Meanwhile, the Right is busy spewing their usual hate and lies:

  • FEMA is broke because they gave all their money to immigrants 
  • People who try to volunteer in NC are being arrested by FEMA/federal agents
  • FEMA will only give victims of the hurricane $750 dollars 
  • Biden's government is controlling the path of the hurricane, they sent it to NC on purpose, because NC is a red state
  • FEMA won't give you help if you're white -- their new DEI initiatives mean they have to give all their money to immigrants and brown people
  • FEMA is confiscating any money or aid sent to NC
  • There's no money for disaster response because Biden sent all the money to Ukraine

See this meme, being shared by Trump supporters, for a sample of these lies:

It's gotten so bad that FEMA has set up a site to deal with rumors. But from what I've seen, any attempt to counter rumors is useless. When people try to talk sense to Rightwing weirdos, what they get is a response like, "You're just brainwashed by the Fake News Media," or "Do your own research, stop trusting federal lies."

Evidence and facts and good sources do not matter in the least to Trump supporters. That's why they're Trump supporters.

ETA: Even Republicans have had enough (though Trump supporters keep on ticking, as you can see in the comments):

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Grading Papers

I have papers coming in. They're mostly good, but when they're bad, they're really bad. I have to bribe myself to keep working with chocolate and popcorn.

I also have to keep reminding myself: This is the second to last time I will have to do this.

Retirement can't come soon enough.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

The VP Debate was Depressing

Partly this was because Vance lied nonstop and was only fact-checked once (about the immigrants in Springfield being legal immigrants); partly it was because Vance is just better at debates than Walz, who was visibly nervous, and misspoke or garbled his answers. 

It's also depressing when we consider the possibility that if Trump is elected, we could end up with Vance as president. 

Over on the cesspool that is Twitter, Rod Dreher was gloating over how well Vance did (despite Vance bearing false witness against immigrants, a thing that you think would bother Dreher, since his schtick is that he's such a Christian) because, says Dreher, at least Trump will get rid of trans people.

(1) Wow

(2) That's the religious right for you, folks. Forget anything Christ actually said or told them to do. Instead, they're going to obsess about trans people and abortion, even though Christ said nothing about either of them.

I've learned better than to argue with these moral monsters, though. They could not care less about facts, evidence, or anything Christ said. What they want is power, and they will do and say anything to get and hold onto that power.

Monday, September 30, 2024

My Kid in Graduate School

The kid is loving graduate school. From his newsletter on Patreon:

Grad school is going great! I'm working on an application for the Biological Anthropologist meetings in the spring! I'm having the time of my life! By that I mean like in the Left Hand of Darkness when they are traveling through the icy wastes and having an extremely hard time but there's joy there! I love it! I feel like that one summer in high school when the AC broke and it was 104 outside and my mom, the cats, and I were all dying, but the family dog was thriving! He loved it! I'm the dog! Also god I finally met people IRL I actually want to talk to and be friends with! Yay grad school!!!!!

You can support his Patreon here, btw.

Sunday, September 29, 2024


I started watching The Shining last night, because it was there, and I had to nope out after an hour (horror that depends on claustrophobia is not my jam), but before I reached the nope-out point I had time to notice was an absolute asshole the Jack Torrance character is. 

I guess that's toxic masculinity, and I'm glad the movie notices what a monster he is even before they go to the hotel, but what hit me the most this time is how miserable the father in this little family is, and how his hatred for his family and his misery at his life affects his family. Both the wife, Wendy, and the kid, Danny, have learned to lie to the father -- and to some degree to themselves -- in order to escape his emotional and physical attacks. The scene where Jack holds Danny on his lap and makes him say he loves his father and he loves the hotel and he's having a good time is just so horrible. 

Danny has to invent an imaginary friend just so he can speak the truth (Tony lives in his mouth, but he swallows him down whenever anyone tries to see him). Wendy desperately tries to keep Jack happy, hopelessly trying to predict the storms of his temper. Both of them, when they can escape Jack, are more or less competent, healthy people; but when he's around they cease to be able to function.

There's a saying that families are only as sane as their sickest member. What this movie does is take a family that is desperately trying to survive their sickest member and lock them in a bottle episode. That's what's terrifying. The ghosts and blood and all are just images of that terror.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Stolen from PZ Myers

 This is how it happened, I was there:

But to be fair, he stole it from Tom the Dancing Bug

Mitt Romney Won't Endorse Kamala Harris

Which I guess is no surprise. He says he wants to remain politically viable in Utah, which apparently he could not do if he admitted out loud that Harris is a better candidate than Trump. Is this just because she's a Democrat? Or is it because she's brown and a woman? 

Being brown and a democrat would be enough to kill you here in Arkansas, as we saw in the last election when our voters put Sarah Huckster Sanders in the office rather than vote for a black physicist with a D beside his name.

And it's not that they thought Sanders was more competent. They knew she was a joke, a bootlicker, and a thief. But at least she wasn't a black man who supported progressive causes.

I think the woman part also matters in Utah, which like Idaho adheres to rigid gender roles; but the brown and democrat parts probably matter just as much.

Harris is ahead in the polls right now, but as we know from 2016, that's not a guarantee of anything. These next six weeks are going to be painful.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Weather in Arkansas

 Now that's better:

Highs in the 70s for the next ten days, and the lows are getting lower.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Kamala Harris Answers Questions

 Found this on YouTube:

Eight Days until October

It's eight days until October and we're still getting days with highs in the 90s. Worse, the air is like flannel and steam, and the pollen count leaves my throat raw.

Please can we have some fall now please.


Friday, September 20, 2024

A Christian Nation My Big White

I've been reading Sarah Blaffer Hrdy's Father Time, which is a companion volume to her two books Mother Nature and Mothers and Others. Hrdy is a biological anthropologist who looks at parenting, including alloparenting. Specifically, she looks at how human evolution was shaped by our need to first produce and then keep alive fat little expensive babies, which have to be carted about for two or three years and then provisioned for ten or fifteen more years.

That's a huge investment in calories and time, and if we're going to compete as a species, we need to produce, and keep alive, three or four children per woman. Hrdy's overall thesis is that this is impossible without the help of alloparents (which is to say, people besides the parents who are willing to invest time in and to provide calories for the babies). In this new book, Father Time, Hrdy repeats that thesis, but looks more specifically at fathers, and at men, and at how being around babies shapes human males. She also looks briefly at the effect not being around babies has on human males. She's talking about the biological effects -- brain growth, hormones, that kind of thing -- as well as the cultural effects.

This is a fascinating book, and I encourage everyone to read it. Among other things, Hrdy looks at how our current generation of fathers and men have changed and are changing; she talks about how grandparents and fictive kin are encouraged in various societies to help provision and care for children; and she looks at what happens when a society focuses on the rights and honor of men and the ability of men to control women, rather than on those babies and the need to care for them and keep them alive.

Which brings me to my secondary point -- the "Pro-Life" "Christian" culture which our current "conservatives" keep claiming as their own.

Oddly, this culture has very little to say about caring for or feeding children, except that parents should not expect anyone to help them feed or take care of those children. Its "pro-life" aspect, as we all have seen, is focused entirely on forcing people to continue pregnancies against their will. That's got almost nothing to do with babies and almost everything to do with controlling women (and people the GOP defines as women).

Our current GOP and "conservative" culture are focused -- well, they're focused on wealth concentration and capitalism, obvious, capitalism being their true religion. 

But the "tradwife" movement and the "pro-life" movement and the push to remake the US into a Christian nation, ruled by the laws of a very few sects of Christianity -- those are all about control of people the GOP considers inferior, which is to say women, immigrants, poor people, and LGBTQ people.

You can tell because none of what they are trying to force the rest of us to accept has anything to do with provisioning people or helping families. You can also tell by the lies they tell and the laws they want to impose on us, all of which are about control, and none of which are about helping their fellow citizens.

Haitians are eating dogs and cats? That's about trying to control brown people, poor people, and immigrants, by bearing false witness, by the way, which is one of those ten commandments they idolize.

Democrats want to make it legal to kill newborn babies? That's about controlling the bodies and fertility of those inferiors.

Democrats are coming for your guns? The right of (certain) men to control others through violence shall not be infringed.

The things Christ actually said, which have to do with wealth redistribution, feeding the hungry, giving to the poor, and staying with and taking care of the family (which is why Christ forbids divorce), those are things our current "conservatives" not only ignore but actively treat as anathema. You should see my local FB page when they talk about beggars. It's not at all Christlike, that's all I have to say.

Christ, by the way, had nothing at all to say about gay people, or trans people, or abortion, for that matter. The only thing he had to say about violating sexual taboos has to do with not throwing stones. Our current conservatives do nothing BUT throw stones. 

They don't want Christianity. They want control. They're the Christian version of the Taliban, and everyone who looks at them can see it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Weather Report

This Saturday coming up is the last day of summer, and highs will be in the 90s.

Shortly after that it looks like a front is coming through, and highs will be in the 80s and 70s.

I need winter please.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Happy 20th Birthday to My Blog

My blog is 20 years old this week. I started writing it in September 2004. 

If it was a person, it would be old enough to vote, old enough to buy a gun, but not old enough to buy cigarettes.

Friday, September 13, 2024

My Wonderful Kid Makes Me Very Happy

The kid sent me a text today, saying he thinks he might have to get a PhD after all. 

He says he loves graduate school and never wants to leave it.

He's also turned out to be an excellent teacher, just like his mama.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'm on campus from 6:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. That's just too LOOOOONG.

I come that early so I can drink coffee and prep. My actual first class is at 8:00 a.m. So I could come a little later, but on the other hand, I can't teach without coffee and prep, so.

I've got three classes in a row from 8:00 until 12:15, and then a break until 2:00, when my fourth class starts. I also have an online class, which I am always working on. It's a lot, but it's a schedule which gives me a four-day weekend to spend writing, so I guess it's worth it. 

I'm just really, really tired by the time I hit that fourth class.

Only four weeks until fall break.