Saturday, August 31, 2024

I mean, Who Knew

Apparently trans kids can get gender affirming surgery at public schools. WHO KNEW.  We had to go through years of therapy, and find about ten thousand dollars, and hunt down a certified surgeon, and go through several more months of working with them, and...

This is honestly what today's "conservatives" seem to believe, that a ten year old child can be convinced that they are trans by someone, usually a teacher, and two days later get gender affirming surgery (or, as these "conservatives" usually put it, get some body part "chopped off"), no therapy needed, no questions asked, no parents consulted.

And, of course, they're absolutely obsessed with trans people. It's not just a delusion, it's monomania.


Jenny F Scientist said...

Please also enjoy these lovely Satanists once again thwarting some buttons, though I warn that there are some highly offensive comments at the end about the school board buying trans kids uber rides to surgery
(???). Possibly all these people are drinking the same kool-aid.

delagar said...

That's a great article. Thanks for sharing!