Friday, August 02, 2024

Just a Note

After a certain point, we have to realize that arguing/explaining things to this current crop of "conservatives" is pointless. (Things like "Is Harris black?" or "Was that athlete actually male?" or "Why vaccines are good, actually" or "No, there really isn't any significant voter fraud in the U.S." or "Are hats real?")

These "conservatives" don't care about truth or facts. They want to say (and probably believe) bigoted nonsense, and explaining why they are wrong is (1) a waste of time and (2) useless, since (see above) they do not care.

I, too, as an educator want to believe that if we just explain clearly enough and provide sufficient data that we can get people to understand why they're wrong, which will lead to them changing their minds. I want to believe we can say, nicely, calmly, "That turns out not to be the case. Look at these studies, and this research review. We can clearly see...."

But that's not what happens. What happens is we waste a bunch of time doing research, providing evidence, and constructing clear, cogent explanations, and "conservatives" shrug and say whatever, I don't care, you use pronouns, nyah nyah.

Accept that they're determined to believe whatever they need to believe to support their bigotry, block them, and move on.

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