Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Life in the Pandemic

The kid is home with us, so we have three adults, two cats, and a dog in our household. Given the small size of our house (only four rooms, really), it's a good thing we all like each other.

Dr. Skull is technically in the high-risk group (he has high blood pressure and diabetes), so we're self-isolating with a zeal. We go nowhere except to the grocery and to a nearby park, for walks along the river. It's a very empty park -- we occasionally see people hundreds of yards from us; or someone jogs past. Never any close encounters.

What do we do all day?

The kid works on his comic. He also does academic work -- his professors are communicating with him via the net, and sometimes in a chat session. He also talks nightly with his boyfriend (datefriend is the modern parlance), and often with his larger circle of friends. He goes on the walks with me.

I work on my novel, and also do prep for when the semester starts back up, here at my university, on Monday. I'm cooking a great deal more than I usually do -- yesterday I cooked two meals! Alors! I'm reading even more than usual. And I look forward to our walks at the park.

Dr. Skull is working on his novel, composing music, and playing Madden Football. I can tell which he is doing at any given time because he hums when he's writing the novel, counts (One and TWO and three four five) when he's composing music, and cusses when he's playing Madden Football.

The cats demand a great deal of petting. The dog goes on walks with us, and also keeps a vigilant watch out for squirrels in the yard.

No one here is sick yet. Knock wood.

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