It's not the's pneumonia. My doc has put me on what she says are "powerful" antibiotics (they're fat and yellow) and given me some of the good cough medicine (y'all know the kind I mean, heh heh) and told me to stay in bed all week, which as you know I cannot do.
I am taking tomorrow off, though.
1 hour ago
See, you let it go too long. Now if they are the yellow pills I think they are, they are Biaxin and will make coffee taste really bad and other things too. Plus you need to drink plenty of water with strong antibiotics, did she tell you? Anyway, you should take off more than one day so you don't get something else with the pneumonia. But I know the feeling of not wanting to waste a day.
don't come back sick. you come back all better even if it is a week (we'll miss you; we will). Pnuemonia is awful and will only get worse if you don't rest and let it get better.
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