Friday, August 25, 2023

Yet More Glasses

I picked up my new pair of glasses today. Now I have five pairs.

Two sets of reading glasses -- one for day use, and one I use (rarely) at night when I am very tired and still want to keep reading.

One set of glasses used for driving and regular about-town activities.

One set of glasses for working on the computer.

One set of sunglasses for driving and walking about in the sunlight.

All still in active use. If they could just clone my eyeballs, how much time might I save!

Me in my reading glasses


Anonymous said...

Have you tried trifocals? and clip-on sunglasses? these have saved me from the multi-glasses challenge.

delagar said...

I had bifocals, briefly, but they gave me terrible headaches. Now I just switch glasses all day long.