Saturday, August 12, 2023

Here Comes the Fall Semester

I'm teaching four classes this fall, all of them meat-space, which I don't think I've actually done since the pandemic hit, back then in March 2020. 

Two Comp I, a class in editing, and Fiction workshop, all on Tuesday-Thursday. It's a good schedule, and good classes. I wish it started in September instead of next week, that's all.

We're having yet another heat wave -- highs in the 100s today and tomorrow, and then in the high 90s the rest of the week. Returning to work + killer heat is not for me.

Also, Dr. Skull put the car in the ditch two days ago, so I've had enough excitement for a while. (Our street has deep, open concrete ditches on both sides of the narrow blacktop road, and he swung a little wide going out of the driveway. The car has a crumpled bumper, but no other damage that I can tell. Just ugh, though.)

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