Sunday, March 04, 2007

Fucking Coulter

So you've all heard about our charming Ann and her little faggot remark, I'm sure.

Well, I've been out trolling the blogs of our buds on the Right -- and partly this is encouraging, since more than you would expect are at least atempting to distance themselves *slightly* from Miss Ann (saying things like, "Well, she's brilliant, obviously, and USUALLY right and -- but THIS time she's gone too far, she's giving THAT EVIL LEFT grounds to say we're hateful when everyone KNOWS we're good Chrustians and it's them fagg - - I mean sinners who need to be hat -- I MEAN PRAYED OVER!") but lots of them, and as a professor of language this cracks me up, lots of them are defending her on the grounds that what she SAID doesn't actually *mean* that, you know.

No, really. You can look it up!

Faggot means a bundle of sticks!

Their dictionary says so!

So, so, so -- Ann was just calling Edwards a bundle of sticks!

Or it's just a generic insult for wimp, that' all! Which everyone knows who knows anything, and just because a bunch of fagg-- um Gay Rights people decided it meant something else doesn't mean it magically does! It's always just meant wimp! Since I was a kid! I remember! Honest! You can ask my mom! So she wasjust saying Edwards was a wimp! Which he IS! And why can't we ever call a spade a spade in this PC country, I ask you?

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


Diane said...

I hate it when both the right and the left apologize for something only after they believe they had damn well better apologize, and quickly. I see no point in anyone on the right condemning Ann Coulter; she speaks for them, and they should be standing by her.

I still can't believe anyone of any stripe takes Coulter seriously.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe people buy her books!