Paid our taxes today. Aargh.
Afterwards, kid came asking us to take her to the art store to buy her some clay -- that kind that bakes in the oven.
"I feel like making something with my hands," she explained wistfully.
"Sorry," I said. "George Bush just took all our money. Call your grandma. Maybe she has some left."
Think this was wrong of me?
(Like I care, so long as she GROWS UP TO HATE REPUBLICANS!!!)
35 minutes ago
You paid your taxes? Oh, I'm impressed.
Hating Republicans is good. Hating both Republicans and Democrats and, well, politicians in general is even better :).
for the first time since I've been an employeed person, I do not have to pay in to federal, AR state, or OK state.
for the first time since I've been an employeed person, I do not have to pay in to federal, AR state, or OK state.
I don't mind paying taxes. I like roads, like to think that giving kids access to education is important, and so forth.
I hate paying for a war I think is criminally wrong, however. But I'm too much of a coward to be willing to go to jail for it.
I'm not opposed to paying taxes, either. I love the FDA and the NEA and the highway system, I could name a dozen others; taxes are the price of the ticket of having a country that works. I'm just broke now, that's all.
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