You want to read something that will make you ill, head over here to the Christian Worldview and see what the Good Christians think about the Andrea Yates verdict.
Here's a sample:
As a person who leans toward a theonomic understanding -- i.e., that the law of God should generally be normative in determining civil and criminal law -- I've always been curious: Where does the Bible make exceptions in the treatment of criminals (murderers, thieves, etc.) because they are mentally incompetent, "insane," or even under-age?
As far as I know (which admittedly isn't as far as I'd like it to be), when the Bible requires this or that punishment for having committed this or that crime, there seems to be no exceptions re. the perpetrator's age or mental capacity.
Anybody have any insights on this?
The insanity defense reminds me of David and his approach to escaping from the king of the Philistines. He feigned insanity and the king had him thrown out rather than killed. It worked for him, so it must be worth a try.
The Yates case is an example of what happens in a society that has legalized abortion - women, for any and all reasons, including "emotional health", are allowed to end the life of their unborn children. Can we honestly expect our culture at large, that has believed the lie that children are an inconvenience and a detriment to our "emotional health", to see birth as the magical time when a mother is now able to deal emotionally with her children? Birth is just the beginning of days, months, and years of special joys and challenges faced by parents, especially mothers who have the primary responsibility of caring for their little ones 24 hours a day. It is no surprise to me that a jury would have made the determination that Yates was insane and thus "not guilty". The logical outplay of our abortion culture is displayed in this case. Until children are strictly protected by our laws and offenders are strictly punished, we can expect to see this sort of thing. As I see our culture's direction, there has been an increasing trend towards the demeaning of the value and preciousness of children, as exemplified in this case. As for me, I give glory to God who gives me the strength and grace each day to care for and see as a wonderful blessing the precious little ones He has given me and my husband. Surely in God alone is our strength and joy. Our culture has never really been a source of strength and encouragement for parents.
I had a small touch of Postpartum after my fourth child. Before that experience I would have sent Andrea Yates to death row without a second thought. Now, I strongly agree with the verdict. I cannot imagine what she was going through.
Deb, God's requirements for certain sins do not change because of yours, Andrea's or anyone else's postpartum depression, schizophrenia or anything else. The woman should be put to death because she put to death five people made in God's image. Your experience with postpartum does not change the Word of God.
Maybe the Debster's right. Maybe all Andrea needs is a hug from compassionate Christians and prayers that the next time she gets knocked up in prison during a congugal visit that she won't suffer from I-feel-ugly-because-I-have- stretchmarks-and-don't-look-sexy-anymore- syndrome.
Most depression - postpartum or otherwise - and most mental illness is the result of unrepentant sin.
Dang, I'm so uncomapassionate I feel like flaming myself here!
It's nice to know they've taken Jesus's advice about not judging and not throwing the first stone and all that to heart.
Jesus fucking Louise, can I just say? I ain't want these fucking vipers for my neighbors.
1 hour ago