Friday, January 29, 2010

Snowing, snowing, snowing!

It started snowing around one today and it has not stopped.  About four inches on the ground so far and more coming down.  I cannot tell you how gleeful this makes me and the kid. (Herr Doctor Delagar does not like snow.  He is grumpified.)  We just went out for a very long late night walk around the snow-deep streets of Fort Smith, which have never looked more lovely.  The kid was wobbly with delight.  (I'm serious.  She nearly fell over several times.)  Well, so was I.  

"Look! The trees are covered with snow!"
"Look! The fireplug is wearing a hat!"
"Soft ice!  The sidewalk is covered with soft ice!"
 "Hey! Snow in my socks!" 
"It's so quiet out here!  Why is it so quiet?" 
"Look here!" (Whap!) 

That last was the kid hitting me with a snowball and then giggling wildly.

Almost no one was out -- we saw maybe five vehicles, driving very slowly, and two other people, boys about ten, wandering the streets like we were -- and the snow fell steadily, thickly, heavy as rain.

"What if it snows forever?" the kid asked blissfully.


CB said...

I made a snowman.

CB said...

I made a snowman.

zelda1 said...

In spite of the lungs being in a congested state, I ventured out into the yard and played in the snow. I brought snow in and put on my kitties' paws and they shook them and pounced. Then, I took pictures of some of the upclose objects covered in snow. Up here, the same: no one out. It is so lovely and so cold and so crisp. I love me some snow.

Karenne S. said...

I brought some snow into the house for my indoor cats to play with... and eat!