Sunday, August 17, 2008

Oh, help

So what do I say to someone who, I swear, I swear, used to be a liberal, who tells me he's voting for McCain because (a) McCain is not Bush and (b) Obama isn't "really black"?

I mean, besides beat his head into the nearest wall?


CB said...

nothing. Say nothing. I really there's not much you can say to someone with that kind of logic. Yes, say nothing.

zelda1 said...

And while you say nothing, say something like what does race have to do with it anyway. I mean, really, black or white. What? It sounds like your friend is a bit racist with a lot of white liberal guilt haunting him or her. I mean, either he or she is liberal with white guilt where he or she thinks that the first black president should be dark black with only black issues at his helm or he or she is a conservative in cognitum. Oh, I love it, you know a in congnitum conservative. What next. Oh my, please turn us on to this person.

tonkelu said...

I agree with mouse and zelda. It's one of those jaw dropping moments where all you really could say is, "I have no idea how to respond to that."

Anonymous said...

If you've been paying attention the last few days, you'll decide the most persuasive is to tell him "John McCain has too many houses to lead!" That outta do it.