You'll remember that when I took the test to discover what sort of a 30's wife I was, I failed horrifically (I scored a 21, making me a Terrible Failure): well! Acting on a tip from my cool nephew, I gender bent and took the test as a fella, and it turns out I am a Terrific Success as a 30's Husband! I score 106! I'm freaking Top Notch!
I've got a word for you and I reckon you can guess what it is.
(Update: I don't outscore mr. delagar though: he scored 109.)
18 minutes ago
134! I'm Very Superior at being a husband and Very Poor at being a wife. What would the patriarchy do...
Hey! You're a better husband than I am! What gives!
I, too, failed miserably. I would have hated to be a woman during the 30's cause I'd had to tell me some men to kiss my ass. I'm off to take it as a husband and I'll report back.
I am a superior man. I cannot believe that I am a better man than woman. Now, I'd like to take the test for our year. I think it would be less genderized. Don't ya think?
I think I'm a better husband because I'm home full time and therefore take on the bulk of the house chores. Thankfully we weren't asked how well the chores were done. Ugh.
I'm a -23 as a Wife!!!! Woo hoo!!!
Hell yes!
holy a wife, i'm a negative 4...i didn't know you could get negative numbers...
it's all the swearing and child-hating, i'm sure
apparently, i'm only a 50 (average) as a 30s guy.
crap, i can't do anything right.
well, at least i didn't check "writes on table cloth with a pencil." i mean
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