Thursday, December 05, 2024

Post-Retirement Anxiety Dreams

As I've told all y'all, after I retire, Dr. Skull and I plan to return to the university. He's going to study music and I'm going to study classics.

Well, last night I had my first anxiety dream about that. I was late to my first Greek class, and I couldn't find the room it was being taught in, and also I couldn't remember the name of the class or who was teaching it. The halls were full of people, all of them getting in my way, and I knew I was going to miss the class. Then when I finally remembered the name of the class, I realized I had signed up for the wrong class -- I wanted first year Greek, and this was a seminar in the philosophy of teaching Greek.

I woke up then, but it was some time before I could make myself believe it was just a dream. Argh!


Foscavista said...

Are you and Dr. Skull planning on taking undergraduate, graduate, or both courses?

delagar said...

Undergraduate -- undergraduate tuition is free in Arkansas for people over 60.