Friday, December 27, 2024

Living in Fayetteville

I'm getting acquainted with Fayetteville 2024, which is very different from the Fayetteville 1995 which was when I last lived here. More traffic, and many more houses and restaurants and shops. I am learning all the back ways and secret short cuts to use to get places without going onto College, which is the main road, like Rogers Avenue was the main road in Fort Smith. 

Today I found a vet for Jasper. It's the same vet's office that save my poor little Jake's life when he was mauled by the Labrador retriever, but I'm pretty sure all the vets are different. They did excellent work, though.

I also now have a library card, and a favorite grocery, and am looking about for someone to cut my hair. My hair is in dire need of cutting.

This afternoon I'm going to make bagels. Tomorrow the kid is coming over to cook for us.


Kendra Leonard said...

Getting a new library card always makes me feel like I'm settling in.I'm so glad it's going well for you!

delagar said...

It's the first thing I do when I move! Or I guess did, since I am NEVER MOVING AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

Sneakers: Totally agree about the library card. My last move, I got the library card even before I officially moved into now husband's house because it is a better system. Glad the settling in is going relatively easily.