Monday, July 22, 2024

Scalzi on Harris

John Scalzi has a good post up on the Harris/Biden situation. Go here to read it.

Key graph:

Can Harris win? Yes, I think so. It’s not 2016 or 2020. Here in 2024, the Supreme Court, with six conservatives, three appointed by Trump, has already gutted people’s rights, and Project 2025 makes it clear that the plan is to gut even more, and to make living in these United States objectively worse for almost everyone. 

The reaction I'm seeing from the Right is predictable: Harris isn't qualified because her parents weren't born in America; Harris isn't qualified because she's a whore; Harris isn't qualified because she's brown; and similar bullshit.

Honestly, what else have they got? They can't claim their guy is more qualified. He's a joke and a grifter. If they had integrity (yeah, don't make me laugh) they'd call for him to step down too. He's nearly as old and twice as incoherent as Biden, and the last time he was President, he let a pandemic kill over a million American citizens.

ETA: Right now, conservatives are wailing that it's no fair for Biden to resign! He has to run! WAAAH!

1 comment:

delagar said...

I admit I'm enjoying watching conservatives screech and run in circles. LOL.