Saturday, July 27, 2024

Let's Get the Vile Bigotry All in One Post

So far on the Right side of the blogosphere, I have seen claims that

  • Biden is actually dead, that's why "they" nominated Harris
  • Biden has had a stroke, that's why, etc
  • Harris isn't "really" black (they used this with Obama, too)
  • Harris slept her way to power 
  • Harris is a whore
  • Harris isn't "really" a woman (apparently she's a transwoman)
  • Melania is a hot babe, unlike Harris, so therefore (?? I don't see where this one is supposed to lead -- I guess it means Harris is unfuckable, so she can't lead a country?)
  • Harris "isn't qualified" (again, this was a popular move with Obama as well)
  • Harris is unqualified because she's never actually given birth (being a step-parent doesn't count as being a parent)
  • Harris is unqualified because neither of her parents were born in the U.S. 
  • Harris is a DEI hire (mediocre white people sure get mad about DEI for some reason)
  • The Left is only going to vote for Harris because she's a woman (again, this was a popular move with Obama, who we only voted for because he was black)
  • The Left can't even define woman, but they want "us" to vote for one?
  • Harris is "woke" (alors!)
  • Harris laughs too much (sacre bleu!)
  • Harris was mean to trans people/black people when she had power in California (neither is true, but also it always makes me laugh when conservatives only care about trans rights or black lives or women when they can use that "caring" as a weapon, and by laugh I mean projectile vomit)
  • Harris is a cop (wait, I thought they liked cops?)
  • Harris hates Israel
  • Other countries will laugh at us if we have a woman president
  • Harris is too stupid to understand the big decisions she'll have to make on the world stage
  • Harris never served in the military, so how can she be commander in chief?
  • The Democratic party doesn't actually want Harris, the "elite"/"deep state" is forcing us to accept her as our candidate, which "proves" democracy doesn't actually exist 
Did I miss any?


Nance said...

TBH, there are too many blathering for me to know if you missed any, but this *is* a great list.

Russ Barnes said...

She slept her way to the top is my favorite, given that she got to the top by winning multiple statewide elections in a state with almost 40 million people in it. No wonder campaigns take forever.

Jenny F Scientist said...

IDK if this counts bc Mango Mussolini said it but apparently she doesn't like Jewish people, which must come as news to her family.

delagar said...

Jenny: Ugh, I missed that one.

Russ: The Right is also insisting that calling Harris a whore isn't misogynistic, laws, no, it's just being *factual*.