Sunday, July 14, 2024

MAGAts Screeching with Delight

The reaction from the Right to Trump's ear being nicked is almost orgasmic with glee. Clearly they all think this will lead to his election. (I'm dubious, since no one who wasn't already pro-Trump will have their opinion shifted.)

Meanwhile, "conservative" pundits are claiming this is the fault of the violent left, and something about a bulls-eye, and what can you EXPECT when you go around calling people fascists?

Yeah, these people, the ones who call immigrants, leftists, trans people, and brown people vermin, who joke about throwing people out of helicopters, who say journalists should be lynched, now they're clutching their pearls about rhetoric.

These People

Pardon me if I'm not convinced.

Meanwhile, 2,500 children a year being shot, some of them in classrooms, well, that's just the price of freedom, isn't it?

A relevant quotation:

“We are in the process of the second American revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” Mr Roberts told the War Room podcast, founded by Trump adviser Steve Bannon.

Edited to add: PZ Myers' take on the situation

ETA: Just a reminder:

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